Date: 2020-11-06 15:30
Duration: 60 mins
7 Employee Wellness Tools to Improve Productivity, Engagement and Retention
We're facing unprecedented times as we live through a pandemic, climate change, social issues and more. Therefore, now more than ever, it's important for companies to rise up in these times and invest in the mental and physical health and wellbeing of their employees. While it may be more challenging, especially while most employees are working remotely for the foreseeable future, the investment will be invaluable when it comes to increasing productivity, engagement and retention. Thought-provoking research and statistics, exciting and innovative tools, practical tips and a wide variety of resources will be provided in this dynamic and engaging presentation you won't want to miss!
7 Employee Wellness Tools:
- Get Organized and Productive
- Exercise is Key
- What You Eat Really Matters
- Sleep Can't Be Underestimated
- Mindfulness is Mandatory
- Claim Time for Yourself
- Make Time for the 3 F’s (Family, Friends and Fun)
Reena Vokoun, Founder and CEO of Passion Fit, is an entrepreneur, writer, public speaker, content creator, media spokesperson and certified health and wellness expert through AFAA, ACE and IDEA Fitness.
She graduated with a B.B.A. in Marketing and Management from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an M.S. in Advertising and Communications from Boston University. She spent several years in corporate America working in marketing, sales and business development roles for companies such as Google, Yahoo, Reebok, CNET, GE and a start-up called Grokker.
Today, she serves companies, nonprofits, universities, schools and the media through Passion Fit products, services and content focused on wellness education and training in the areas of fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, work-life balance, stress management, productivity and personal and professional development.